One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for 斯德维尔

Here's what the 校园体验办公室 offers


Approved event slides can be shown in the SSC 公告系统

所有海报必须得到SCC咨询台校园体验部的批准, located across from the DeVries Theatre.

斯德维尔 University fleet vans parked bumper to bumper


你 can reserve University Fleet Vehicle for University approved activities!

所有的司机必须得到批准 校园保安办公室.

Please allow 至少 one week prior notice.



加入沙巴体育学生组织需要什么条件? Why does my Org need a Fac/Staff advisor?

沙巴体育学生组织要求组织机构负责任和可持续发展. 委员会/工作人员顾问的指导将有助于确保问责制和可持续性.

How does my Org apply for Incentive Funds?

If you need incentive funds for an event, submit the 奖励基金申请 form 至少 two weeks prior to the event date.

How can I access my Org's General Ledger (GL) account?

  • 登录到 myCU and scroll to "Financial Transactions"
  • Click on "General Ledger Departmental Lookup"
  • Enter your Org's account number and view your balance

如果您没有访问权限,请提交总账帐户申请表 斯德维尔.edu/involvement


可能不 使用SLP信用卡.

你 must find a way to make that purchase within your Org, and then fill out a Requisition Form on a University-Owned computer:

  • 点击桌面上的“CedarNet”
  • 点击“申请”
  • Fill in the boxes (Always select "AP check")
  • Obtain your advisor's signature for approval
  • 将表格钉在相应的发票或收据上,并通过校园邮件邮寄给应付帐款

Can I request a table in the Lower SSC?

是的. 请提交 表的要求 至少 预定日期前两周.

When can my Org sell in the Lower SSC?

Orgs can sell in the Lower SSC between 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. 星期一至星期五. There is a limit to the number of orgs allowed to sell. 先到先得. 要在较低的SSC中出售,请提交a 表的要求 形式在 斯德维尔.edu/involvement/tabling.

Where do I get a cash box for Org sales?

All cash sales must be done through the Cashier’s Office (SSC 130). 出纳办公室将为您的组织提供现金箱以及您的起始现金. 当你完成当天的销售后,将你的现金箱归还出纳办公室(SSC 130)。. 你 can pick it up the next day no earlier than 10:45AM. Orgs 可能不 keep the cash box overnight. 机构不得在咨询台或校园体验办公室存放现金箱.

Where can my Org store the items we are selling?

机构不得在校园体验存储空间或办公室存放销售物品或促销物品. Most Orgs store their items in dorm rooms during a sales week.

我的组织从哪里得到我们的桌子? Do we need to put our tables away at the end of the day?

Someone in the SGA or Campus Experience office will help you get your table. 一旦你完成了一天的工作, 请在SGA成员的帮助下将您的桌子放回SLP衣柜(154A).

How can my Org track attendance at meetings? How do I scan attendees into my Org's event?

Please contact the SGA Involvement team sgainvolvement@斯德维尔.edu with questions about tracking event attendance.

What information can be kept in an Org Profile?

Organization Profiles should contain the following information

  • 名字
  • 描述
  • 定期会议地点/时间
  • 类别


How do I set group meeting locations/times?

Org Officers can set and make changes to Org location and meeting times. 请记住,只有在Events Services通过web请求并批准了该空间的情况下,您才应该发布此信息 斯德维尔房间预订系统.

  • From the Administrator Dashboard, select the Org you would like to edit
  • Click the red pencil in the top right. This will allow you to make edits to the Org page
  • Select "Meeting Location" and "Meeting Time"

Where can my Org print promotional materials?

雪松维尔印刷服务是印刷宣传材料的最佳本地资源. 打印服务部位于校园体验办公室对面的SSC 171. 通过电子邮件提交打印请求 printservices@斯德维尔.edu.


是的. 你 must request permission from the Campus Experience office. 如果您有任何问题,或想继续这个选项,请发送电子邮件 sgainvolvement@斯德维尔.edu, or come to the SGA office located in the Lower SSC 154.

How does my Org reserve tables and chairs?

Tables and chairs can be requested through a 维修工作单 在myCU. 请提交 requests 至少 one week prior to the event.

Do all Org events need to be on campus?

No. 然而, 无论是在校内还是校外, 您需要完成事件清单并遵循雪松维尔学生手册.


To connect, grow, and serve through Student Organizations (Orgs), 部门, events and programs to ensure a holistic 斯德维尔 experience.

What will involvement at 斯德维尔 require of me?

  • 态度:行动中的谦卑
  • Clarity: Critical Thought Builds Clarity
  • 纪律:注重细节

What is 斯德维尔 Student Organizations?

沙巴体育学生组织(CSO)由70个学生组织(Orgs)组成,近1000名学生参与. 沙巴体育学生组织(CSO)是沙巴体育“希腊生活”的衍生品。.

Who can I contact to learn more about getting involved?

你可以发邮件到校园体验 campusexperience@斯德维尔.edu, 或亲临办事处(SSC 154). 你也可以发邮件给学生自治协会(SGA)参与主任 sgainvolvement@斯德维尔.edu, 或前往下史蒂文斯学生中心(SSC 152)的学生政府协会(SGA)办公室。.


CU门徒小组(D-Group)是一个小型的圣经学习项目,旨在促进校园内的属灵成长和社区. 这些团体是与同学建立友谊的好方法,他们会鼓励你与耶稣建立关系. We firmly believe that when it comes to spiritual growth, 别人不能代替你, 但你不能独自完成. 参观 门徒部委 浏览更多资讯.

Are there any opportunities for local church ministry?

全球外展(GO)在雪松维尔装备你终身的领导和服务,通过与当地教会的合作伙伴关系, 社区组织, 和任务. 这些志愿事工的机会提供了一个环境,你可以沙巴体育你在教堂和课堂上学到的东西,当你满足我们周围社区和世界的实际需要时,为基督产生强大的影响. 你将有机会通过每周的志愿事工团队或短期宣教旅行在当地服务. 参观 全球推广 浏览更多资讯.

How do i go about starting a new 全球推广 ministry

电子邮件 globaloutreach@斯德维尔.edu 或前往迪克森事工中心(DMC 200)的全球外展(GO)办公室.